Tag Archive | alchemy

My Wishes for Your New Year

As 2015 draws near, these are some of my wishes for you…

…may you look deep within the ordinary and find the beauty that lies there. See the world through a different lens . . . look at the inside of a flower, look deep into the eyes of one you love, experience the magnificence of the day and all around you.

…may you be IN life, not OF life. Memories are created and woven into the tapestry of our lives by fully participating in life and experiencing them.

…may you love yourself more fully than you have ever loved someone else, for it is only by loving yourself can you truly love another.

…may you appreciate the value that you add to the world. There is nobody like you, and nobody can take your place.

…may you see yourself as perfect just the way you are. You are a magnificent gift to the world and you are one-of-a-kind perfection.

…may you find peace and joy in your life. Be patient with yourself as you would have with another. Everybody struggles. Everybody goes through difficulties at one time or another. Be kind to yourself, and you show the world that you are to be treated with respect and kindness.

…may you find the inner strength to do that which you think you cannot do. You are stronger than you think. Believe in yourself!

…may you celebrate the many transitions that life presents, no matter how large, no matter how small, no matter how challenging they may have been. Celebrate your life.

Looking forward to the arrival of 2015 and all the magnificent wonders it will bring, I wish you much peace, abundance, prosperity and joy. May 2015 bring much growth and happiness to your life.

With best wishes for the coming year,

Dr. Sue

The Alchemy of Intentions

 Alchemy is the magical power or process of changing common into something very valuable. Add some magic to your life by changing your every day interactions with others into wonderful experiences. The Alchemy of Intention shows you how you can turn an ordinary day into one of amazing abundance.

I believe that first you set an intention, then the manifestation will arrive.  I also believe that manifestation is all about aligning your desire with Divine providence. When that happens, the magic of Spirit becomes a heart song like no other.

 Setting intentions.  We talk about it, but do we realize just how many times and opportunities there are in the day to set an intention not only in your  head but to actually say it out loud for all to hear?  I find myself repeating the intention of having a spectacular day time and time again throughout the day. 

 The cashier at the store says, “Have a good day!”.  The attendant cleaning up around the gas pumps says “Hope it’s a good one!”.  The server at your local restaurant writes “Have a good day” on your check.  It’s all around us, but what does “Have a good day” mean to you?? 

 To me, it’s an opportunity to set an intention for the manifestation of a wonderful day, a day chock-full of love and people and experiencing pure joy in every moment.  My response is always “That’s my plan!” or “That’s my intention!”  People just smile and say, “Oh that’s nice.”  Many don’t realize that if you intend it, you will manifest it.

 Then there’s  “How are you?” or “How are you doing?”, questions asked with very few actually listening to the answer.  I respond with “Magnificent” or “Spectacular” or even better, “I am stellar!!”  A response, or intention, like that invites manifestation of a magnificent or spectacular or stellar day.  It draws attention because it’s beyond the usual response.    I regularly invite people to also be magnificent or spectacular or, yes, even stellar.  Most will say, “I like that!”  When you do this, you have successfully set the intention for your day, for this moment, and have also shared your heart song with someone else. 

 These conversations around me made me think about intentions.  The quote  “Carpe diem”….”seize the day!” comes to mind.  How many times are we given opportunities to seize the day but we don’t grab onto it?  Seize the day and pass it on.  It really isn’t that hard at all.  Hold the door for someone.  Smile at a complete stranger.  There’s nothing quite like observing someone’s face turn from no particular expression into a great big smile….all because somebody acknowledged them!  Compliment someone.  It doesn’t cost anything, and it can enhance someone’s life a hundredfold.  Manners cost nothing, and yet there sometimes seems to be a scarcity of them around.  Share yours!

 How many opportunities during the day can you find to set an intention?  Each and every day, I intend to share the magic of Spirit and sing a heart song .  I intend to share love and great feelings with all who come in contact with me.  Everyday.  Every way I can find.  If I intend it, I will manifest it.  Remember, only you can sing your clear, sweet heart song in your own way.  Start now.