Tag Archive | intention

If I Hold the Key, Why Isn’t the Door Unlocking?

          Many times, we feel that we should be able to unlock any door in our lives because we hold the key.  Yes, you hold the key, your very special, one-of-a-kind personalized life key.  The problem is that you have to use the key, not just sit there and hold it.  Be in life.  Be part of the solution.  Be active in it.  This is your life.  You’re the director, the artist, the one who determines which doors you will approach and which doors you will not approach.  Are you living inside the bubble of fear and/or denial?  Are you ready to use your key? Sometimes that isn’t enough.  Sometimes there are reasons why the door doesn’t unlock.


1.  Is there a lack of doorways?

Could it be that the door is outside of your Divine awareness?  If you’re looking down a hallway and there’s no doors, then you need to set an intention or remove the veil that prevents you from seeing the doors that have always been there.  The Law of Attraction says that your energy and mindset are metaphysical aspects of manifesting that help create and identify the doorways.  “When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.”  (Joseph Campbell). 


2.  The key doesn’t fit.

Are you trying to unlock the wrong door?  It could be that the key doesn’t fit because it isn’t your door. Sometimes people think that all doors are theirs and that because they can see it, it must be their door, it must open today, it must happen in the moment.


What are you looking for?  When you align your will with Divine will, you release the negative energy of not getting what you wanted.  So many people want to do things that aren’t in their highest good.  They say or think “I want to do this” and then it doesn’t happen.  Take your free will, unite it with the will of the Divine, and then every door that you need opens.  Just because you think you can sing doesn’t make it happen.  So often, people try to do things that aren’t in their highest good.  Could be it’s not your door, not your time.  Manifestation is about aligning your desire with Divine providence.


3.  Adjust your key

Did you ever have a key that didn’t work?  It seems that there are so many different nuances to opening up a lock.  You turn it to the right, and it doesn’t work.  You wiggle it, you jiggle it.  You walk away and say ,”My key isn’t working.”  Need a new key?  Maybe not.  Having the key made at a local hardware store might be convenient, but it may not be the best choice.  Manifestation is about going to the Source.  Keep going back to the approach of your manifestation, regroup, re-intend.  Look at it from a different perspective.  If you want something and it doesn’t happen, do you give up and quit or do you take a step back and look at it from a different perspective?  Let go of the attachment and connect more with Divine will and Divine intention.  That’s a part of adjustment.  Put it on hold, create or work on other things. You’re still working while you are moving forward.  Sometimes we even have to go sideways!  When you want something desperately, let go of the attachment of it and be willing to keep doing whatever you can while you’re intending it.




The Alchemy of Intentions

 Alchemy is the magical power or process of changing common into something very valuable. Add some magic to your life by changing your every day interactions with others into wonderful experiences. The Alchemy of Intention shows you how you can turn an ordinary day into one of amazing abundance.

I believe that first you set an intention, then the manifestation will arrive.  I also believe that manifestation is all about aligning your desire with Divine providence. When that happens, the magic of Spirit becomes a heart song like no other.

 Setting intentions.  We talk about it, but do we realize just how many times and opportunities there are in the day to set an intention not only in your  head but to actually say it out loud for all to hear?  I find myself repeating the intention of having a spectacular day time and time again throughout the day. 

 The cashier at the store says, “Have a good day!”.  The attendant cleaning up around the gas pumps says “Hope it’s a good one!”.  The server at your local restaurant writes “Have a good day” on your check.  It’s all around us, but what does “Have a good day” mean to you?? 

 To me, it’s an opportunity to set an intention for the manifestation of a wonderful day, a day chock-full of love and people and experiencing pure joy in every moment.  My response is always “That’s my plan!” or “That’s my intention!”  People just smile and say, “Oh that’s nice.”  Many don’t realize that if you intend it, you will manifest it.

 Then there’s  “How are you?” or “How are you doing?”, questions asked with very few actually listening to the answer.  I respond with “Magnificent” or “Spectacular” or even better, “I am stellar!!”  A response, or intention, like that invites manifestation of a magnificent or spectacular or stellar day.  It draws attention because it’s beyond the usual response.    I regularly invite people to also be magnificent or spectacular or, yes, even stellar.  Most will say, “I like that!”  When you do this, you have successfully set the intention for your day, for this moment, and have also shared your heart song with someone else. 

 These conversations around me made me think about intentions.  The quote  “Carpe diem”….”seize the day!” comes to mind.  How many times are we given opportunities to seize the day but we don’t grab onto it?  Seize the day and pass it on.  It really isn’t that hard at all.  Hold the door for someone.  Smile at a complete stranger.  There’s nothing quite like observing someone’s face turn from no particular expression into a great big smile….all because somebody acknowledged them!  Compliment someone.  It doesn’t cost anything, and it can enhance someone’s life a hundredfold.  Manners cost nothing, and yet there sometimes seems to be a scarcity of them around.  Share yours!

 How many opportunities during the day can you find to set an intention?  Each and every day, I intend to share the magic of Spirit and sing a heart song .  I intend to share love and great feelings with all who come in contact with me.  Everyday.  Every way I can find.  If I intend it, I will manifest it.  Remember, only you can sing your clear, sweet heart song in your own way.  Start now.